Thursday, March 24, 2011

What a Night!

Last night Max fell asleep on his own, in his big boy bed and remained asleep all night long! This was our goal and our reason for following Ferber's method. The first and second nights of our sleep project were rough; however, by the third night things were greatly improving. We began the bedtime ritual with the usual hygiene practices followed by story time while cuddling in his bed. After reading three books it was hugs and kisses and "good night". After we left his room, Max proceeded to get out of bed. He cried at his gate for about 30 seconds, then fell asleep on his floor and slept all night long. It was the same for nights four and five. By night six, last night, after saying our "good nights" Max stayed in his bed and fell asleep on his own. We didn't hear a peep from him all night long. He was asleep by 8:30pm and I finally woke him up shortly before 8:00 am this morning. We are so proud of our big boy!! And we are all finally getting some sleep around here!

1 comment:

  1. Great update Sarah!!!! I'm so proud of BOTH Max and YOU TWO as well!!! Job well done!!!
