Friday, November 20, 2009

Max is One Year Old!!

Good Morning Birthday Boy!

My apologies for the shabby camera work but I had to share this. Max usually wakes up happy so he's a joy to get in the morning. His birthday was an especially great morning. Happy Birthday sunny boy!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Max's First Haircut

Max was a champ. Getting a haircut didn't phase him a bit.


Front Facing Car-Seat

This weekend we turned Max's car-seat around so that it was forward-facing. I think he likes it!

Max Needs a Haircut

Max received a visit from his Nana this past weekend. Lynn was in town for business and was able to make time to hang with Max (and Jona and me). We had a great time! Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures, but I was able to snag a few from Lynn before she had to head out. Max is doing great but is in desperate need of a haircut. Hopefully, I can take care of this today.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Let's Go Lions!

We took Max to his first Lion's game...poor kid. And yes, the Lions lost.

Improv Comedy

We took Max to a kid friendly improv comedy show on Halloween. After the show we were invited on stage for photo ops.

Fall's Here

Max's Halloween Party

Our mommy group had a lil Halloween party for the kiddies. It was kinda funny to see them check each other out in their costumes. I don't know if they really knew what to think about all of it.