Monday, January 23, 2012

Sledding at Kensington

We finally had enough snow to go sledding this weekend. But boy was it cold!! Max and Jonathan went down two times and that was enough for Max. All of the snow blowing up into his face was a bit much for our little guy. He told us he was ready to go and starting crying when we were about half way to the car. Poor guy got so cold I don't think he knew what to do with himself. We went home and warmed up with some hot cocoa and a fire in the fireplace.

Breakfast wit h Buddy

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Playdate with Enzo and Friends

Max and I went over to my friend, Kendra's, to join her play date with some of her mom friends and boys. There were seven boys ranging from ages one to five. They played with all of Enzo's toys, ate pizza, then played a couple of games on the Wii. The dancing game was a big hit and a lot of fun to watch. The boys were so cute dancing with Dora.

Max and Buddy the Bear

At preschool on Tuesday Max was selected to bring Buddy home for a week. Each child in the class gets a turn to bring Buddy the Bear home with them. As parents we need to take photos of some of the adventures Buddy gets to go on and then we include them in a journal we fill out before the week is over. Max was so excited on Tuesday to bring Buddy home. He had dinner with us that night and watched Harry Potter with Max that evening by the fire. The next day they had a little more movie time on Max's portable DVD player. Stay tuned for more adventures with Buddy. I promise we did more than just watch movies this week!

Post Hair Cut Jam Pile

Max was very excited to play with the big boys when he was finished getting his hair cut. He was especially happy to know that the oldest boy is also named, Max.

Max Gets a Haircut

My neighbor, Kim, has a friend who cuts hair and comes to her house to do it. So, Max, Joanne, and I headed over there on Monday to join in the hair cutting fun. Max received a much needed hair cut. I don't have any after photos yet, but stay tuned. His short hair will show up on here sooner or later.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Max and his Mama

Max and his bud Tinsley

Max had a good time playing with his friend, Tinsley, aka TT, on Wednesday. He had a hard time sharing here and there but overall they played really well together. I think the highlight of the visit was dancing around to Elmo.